Functional Safety Assessment
De IEC 61511 schrijft voor dat er op bepaalde momenten binnen een functional safety project diverse Functional Safety Assessments (FSA) gehouden dienen te worden. In de SIS safety life-cycle zoals hieronder weergegeven worden 5 verschillende stages benoemd.
- Stage 1 – After the H&RA has been carried out, the required protection layers have been identified and the SRS has been developed.
- Stage 2 – After the SIS has been designed.
- Stage 3 – After the installation, pre-commissioning and final validation of the SIS has been completed and operation and maintenance procedures have been developed.
- Stage 4 – After gaining experience in operating and maintenance.
- Stage 5 – After modification and prior to decommissioning of a SIS.
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Hierbij is het van belang dat de FSA door een (in voldoende mate) onafhankelijk en competent team uitgevoerd wordt. De IEC 61511 noemt hierover: The membership of the FSA team shall include at least one senior competent person not involved in the project design team (for stages 1, 2 and 3) or not involved in the operation and maintenance of the SIS (for stages 4 and 5).
Het uiteindelijke doel is om te controleren of alle relevante stappen uit de SIS safety life-cycle zijn doorlopen alvorens gevaren te introduceren in de installatie. Prior to the hazards being present the FSA team shall undertake functional safety assessment(s) and shall confirm:
• the H&RA has been carried out;
• the recommendations arising from the H&RA that apply to the SIS have been implemented or resolved;
• project design change procedures are in place and have been properly implemented;
• the recommendations arising from any FSA have been resolved;
• the SIS is designed, constructed and installed in accordance with the SRS, any differences having been identified and resolved;
• the safety, operating, maintenance and emergency procedures pertaining to the SIS are in place;
• the SIS validation planning is appropriate and the validation activities have been completed;
• the employee training has been completed and appropriate information about the SIS has been provided to the maintenance and operating personnel;
• plans or strategies for implementing further FSAs are in place.
Consiltant BV heeft ervaring in het uitvoeren van Functional Safety Assessments. Voor meer informatie kunt u contact met ons opnemen.
Tevens kunt u bij onze tools een SIS life-cycle checklist vinden om te gebruiken binnen Functional Safety projecten.